games of those days

games of those days
sepak bulu ayam...i used to play this when i was young....days when i was staying in Kamunting, Taiping, Perak.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

so, i,m now a granny of a grandson...ahaks!...a granny young at heart...haha...a granny who is ict competent...(i'm proud of this...aha...i can still catch up with the ever changing world...& will always be..)
my elders and second son are third is still in the teacher's college, my 4th: daughter is also in a teacher's college, my 5th: daughter is sitting for her SPM & my 6th: daughter is sitting for UPSR.....a double exam year for me...huhu... 

but i strive on...because i believe in the Al Mighty Allah and He had never for once forsaken me and my family....YES! I have proven to my family in Taiping that i left them for the better and not for the worse....Alhamdulillah.....


dzaatin nithaqain said...

xpe aunty...baru 2 org yg xm..spm, upsr.. mak saya dulu, tiap2 tahun akan ada 3 org serentak xm besar... tu time sy skolah la... skrg ni dh besar2 sume..krg la sket keje mak.... =)

Hida said...

ye la asma....tq bg semangat....tngah bersemangat la nih....adik imani upsr tp relax je empunya badan....